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Group or collective sessions        => Planning / Registration HERE
A relaxation therapy session (whether individual or in a group) generally lasts 60 min. However, it can vary from 45 min to 1:15 depending on the audience.
Group work presents  many advantages. Everyone is free to express their feelings and to see the differences or similarities between their way of life.  the session  and the perceptions of its neighbor. It is a moment of exchange and conviviality.  
Those  sessions are mainly relaxation sessions but can also be oriented on a more specific theme such as the management of  stress, the  self-confidence, motivation, etc ...  
A session is built in 3 phases:



La séance débute par un temps d’échange pour faire connaissance, mettre des mots sur vos besoins, vos envies et vos attentes afin de définir ensemble votre objectif de groupe.


Le temps d'échange des séances suivantes, plus court, nous permettra de savoir où en est le groupe dans son cheminement et de recueillir des éléments supplémentaires pour construire les séances à venir.

Exchange time
Dynamic relaxation



You will perform a  series of exercises while standing or sitting. These exercises focus on the body, synchronization of movement and breathing.

During and between exercises, breaks are given to allow you to become aware of the physical sensations and the emotional effects  that they give birth to in you.


Each exercise is adapted to the group.

Mental imagery



This exercise uses  visualization  past or future events with  work on the imagination or on various sensations. He  is  destined  to connect you  the capacities that you can mobilize to achieve the collective objective set.


I will invite you to sit comfortably and let yourself be guided by my voice for a while.  relaxation and visualization of positive images  adapted to  the intention of the session.

At the end of the session, each participant who wishes  can speak freely. While a person is speaking, the other participants are invited to welcome his or her speech with  kindness  and  respect, without interrupting.


The exercises performed during the sessions are intended to be reused  in your daily life and will be of precious help to you at all times of life.  It is the regular practice which allows a lasting and effective result!


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