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Sophrologie pour quoi ? Positivez


Laughter and tears, hope and pessimism, all these emotions spice up your existence and sometimes block your motivation. Sophrology helps you channel your emotions. Allow yourself to succeed! 

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Develop your potential

Expressing your personality fully while respecting that of others, developing good self-esteem and strengthening your confidence are determining factors that influence the quality of your professional and personal life.  Sophrology helps you become aware of your wealth.

Développez votre potentiel

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Sophrologie pour quoi ? Développez son potentiel
Sophrologie pour quoi ? Gérer le stress
Gérez votre stress

Manage your stress

Pressures at work, tensions at home, anxiety at school ... Stress is everywhere and can cause irritation, fatigue, digestive disorders, sleep disorders, anxiety, even depression ... Do not let yourself be invaded, sophrology can help you!

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Learning to relax is learning to live better on a daily basis. In sophrology, there are many exercises based on breathing and muscle relaxation that will allow you to live better.  your present in a simple and natural way ...


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Sophrologie pour quoi ? Se détendre
Sophrologie pour quoi ? Augmenter ses capacités
Augmentez vos capacités

Increase your capabilities

To improve your performance, it is necessary to take care of your health by taking into account the messages sent by your body and your  spirit. Sophrology will allow you to become aware of your mental and physical potential.

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Regain self-confidence

At work, with your children or with your friends, it is always the same observation, you lack self-confidence.  Like many people, you actually lack self-confidence. But rest assured: trust can be worked on!

Reprenez confiance en vous

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Sophrologie pour quoi ? Retrouver confiance en soi
Sophrologie pour quoi ? Préparer un évènement
Préparez l'évènement

Prepare for the event

Sophrology allows preparation for maternity throughout  the pregnancy. He  This is a real journey in the way of living your pregnancy, but also the expectation and reception of your  child. Motherhood is a special time in a woman's life. Learning to breathe during the prenatal period is important for relaxing, letting go and coming closer to yourself.
Sophrology support does not in any way replace preparation with a midwife  whose  follow-up is essential.

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Cultivez le bien-être

Cultivate well-being

Make your loved ones  happy, help them succeed, goes through a basic condition  :  cultivate  yourself the  well-being  at every moment.  Positive emotions promote this state. In sophrology you cultivate your  well-being through dynamic relaxation exercises and  the suggestion of positive images.

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Sophrologie pour quoi ? Cultiver le bien-être
Sophrologie pour quoi ? Acceptez votre traitement
Acceptez votre traitement

Accept your treatment

The disease, the treatments, the surgery are often difficult to live with on a daily basis. The sophrology exercises will allow you, little by little, to reinvest and  to experience your body differently, that is to say through pleasant sensations different from those imposed by the disease and the treatments.

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Live better with your tinnitus

Buzzing, hissing, whistling: tinnitus disrupts the daily life of thousands of people. Sophrology is a gentle solution that allows you to learn to tame them and to live with them without suffering by turning away from the perception of parasitic noises. 

Vivez mieux vos acouphènes

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Sophrologie pour quoi ? Mieux vivre ses acouphènes
Sophrologie pour quoi ? Renforcer la concentration
Renforcez votre concentration

Strengthen your concentration

Staying focused all day is not easy, especially for younger people. Fatigue, stress, concentration disturbers are numerous. Sophrology is an effective tool to help children and adolescents improve their attention in class and thus  memorize better.

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Manage your fears

Fear of flying, of spiders, of the crowd, of the elevator ... there are many fears and phobias that often generate anxiety attacks. Sources of stress, they  can be very disabling in everyday life. The effectiveness of sophrology is recognized to calm apprehensions and anxiety related to these fears.

Gérez vos peurs

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Sophrologie pour quoi ? Gérer les peurs
Sophrologie pour quoi ? Se recentrer


In your working life, you are more and more confronted with situations that generate tension. An increasing amount of things to do that can make you feel overwhelmed. Refocusing with sophrology means returning 100% to the here and now.


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Promote your sleep

Sleep is a necessity as much  for the body as well as for the mind. How about setting your record straight with sophrology?  After a few sessions, and provided you practice the exercises regularly, you will have effective tools to respond in a targeted manner to your sleep disorders.

Favorisez votre sommeil

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Sophrologie pour quoi ? Favoriser le sommeil
Sophrologie pour quoi ? Stimuler la vitalité
Stimulez votre vitalité

Boost your vitality

Getting in shape, good morale, daily vitality requires energy. It is essential to know how to promote your sleep, your diet, listening to your body, to maintain your physical and psychological balance. Sophrology allows you to acquire  real tools to preserve this vitality which is in you.

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Libérez-vous de la dépendance

Pour vous aider dans votre volonté d'arrêter de fumer, le sophrologue fait appel à des exercices de respiration, de détente musculaire et de visualisation pour renforcer votre confiance en vous, diminuer votre stress du quotidien mais également celui lié au manque. La sophrologie vous permet de faire un véritable travail d'introspection et vous soutient dans toutes les phases de l'arrêt du tabac, du moment où vous prenez votre décision de sevrage. Ces séances de sophrologie sont destinées aux personnes désirant optimiser et mieux accepter leur arrêt du tabac.
la sophrologie ne dispense en aucun cas des conseils de traitements dispensés par un tabacologue ou un médecin traitant.

Libérez-vous de la dépendance
Sophrologie pour quoi ? Addictions se libérer

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